  • BCO-NootkaSoundShellfishLtd
  • BCO-NootkaSoundShellfishLtd
  • BCO-NootkaSoundShellfishLtd
  • BCO-NootkaSoundShellfishLtd
  • BCO-NootkaSoundShellfishLtd

Nootka Sound Shellfish Ltd

Be your own boss on the west coast of Vancouver Island! Nootka Sound Shellfish Ltd currently operates three shellfish tenures in the picturesque Nootka Sound region. These are all producing sites, focusing on clams and oysters, with quality product buyers in place. The seller is willing to assist a new owner with learning the farms and the basic workings of the business. This is an amazing opportunity for someone to take over this established operation.

This offering is a share sale for the purchase of Nootka Sound Shellfish Limited. The assets include the three shellfish tenures in a well-known and productive ocean harvest region, with boat access from Gold River, Tahsis or Zeballos on Vancouver Island.  Plumper and Kendrick are both intertidal tenures, while Hanna Creek is both an intertidal and a deep-water site. While currently used to boost oyster seed, this deep water could also accommodate a floating cabin. The assets also include a 29ft skiff which is registered in the company’s name, used to carry product and equipment and to travel between sites. The company has been operating on the west coast of Vancouver Island for decades and is actively involved with the BC Shellfish Growers Association.

Kendrick Inlet Tenure:

13.5 acres on an undeveloped beach, fronting Crown land, located at the north end of Kendrick Inlet in Nootka Sound and approx. two nautical miles north of the Plumper Harbour tenure. There is a minimum of 7 acres of clam ground, with an estimated standing stock of manila clams of 100,000 pounds, with a current value in excess of the listing price. There is some oyster growing area here, however it does require protection to prevent the seed oysters from blowing away. The ground is excellent for clam growing, mainly small pebbles, mud and sand mixed. Much of the clam ground has been protected with predator nets. The lease is in good standing and the current tenure is in place to 2029. The seller believes this is likely the best clam beach in Nootka Sound and one of the best clam beaches on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

Plumper Harbour tenure:

3.7 acre intertidal beachfront tenure that has been actively farmed for over 20 years by the same grower, located on the north end of Plumper Harbour and facing Matute Island to the east. There is about one acre of clam ground, most of which is protected by predation nets. There is enough oyster ground here to comfortably grow out 500,000 single oysters from seed to small size, 3 to 4 inch of body cup. The current management plan was crafted by Aquabusiness Management Ltd following a site survey in 1995. The plan is straightforward; put seed on the beach, rescue any oysters that blow too far up the beach, harvest and sell. The renewal of the license of occupation will require an update to the management plan and the sellers would be happy to advise a new buyer on the process. The farm is limited in height and cannot exceed equipment, netting, etc of 14 inches. This is due to the riparian rights of the upland property owners.

Hanna Creek tenure:

This is the main farm for the company where product is sorted and taken off-site from all three tenures, and where equipment is stored. It includes deep water rafts and a beachfront growing area. Hanna Creek is in Hanna Channel, to the south-east of the other two tenures, approx. 7.4 nautical miles from the Plumper Harbour tenure. It looks west to Bligh Island and has easy access to both Tlupana Inlet and Muchalat Inlet. The eastern portion is protected by a breakwater and there are rafts, grow out equipment and a seed nursery. This site is used for oysters as the beach is not generally suitable for clams.

The government recently introduced new rules and regulations regarding branding of equipment, traceability, etc for shellfish growers, and the seller has worked diligently to bring all three tenures and all equipment into almost full compliance. A full equipment list is available.

In addition, there is a 29 foot by 8 foot work skiff, powered by twin 50 horsepower Yamaha outboard motors. The skiff is well suited as a work vessel for carrying equipment and product between the three tenures.

This is an excellent opportunity for someone wanting to work on the west coast, be their own boss and get involved in the aquaculture industry with a well-respected company brand, or to own a shellfish growing company and hire workers for the farm sites. These three tenures have been well-managed for years, with an active and knowledgeable owner who is willing to provide assistance to a new owner.